Sack Trucks & Pallet Trucks

Make transporting goods around your warehouse easier and less time consuming.

  • Heavy duty construction allows for increased payloads and easier handling
  • Reduce the risk of injury by using a pallet or sack truck
  • Speed up your warehouse vehicle loading operations, saving your time

Speak to us today to see how you can speed up your warehouse operations, call +44 (0)1823 653400.  Alternatively,

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    Our range of heavy-duty sack trucks are available from stock and are suitable for use in all warehouses. With pneumatic tyres and steel frames the sack trucks are built to last.

    Prolift Pallet Trucks are suited for use with a range of pallet types. The smooth wheels make the trucks easy to manoeuvre and the robust wheel material makes them suitable for all warehouse floors. Hydraulic pump action handles provide easy lifting of heavy goods.