In the world of business, efficient packaging is crucial to ensuring product protection, reducing material and labour costs, and maintaining customer satisfaction. At Kingfisher Packaging, we don’t just offer a comprehensive selection of quality products, we also offer full-service support designed to optimise your packaging operations from start to finish. Here’s how we can help:


Free Packaging Consultancy Programme

We understand that every business is unique, which is why we emphasise the importance of carrying out a free in-depth analysis of your current packaging processes. Our experts conduct time and motion studies at your premises to uncover areas for improvement. From identifying how cost savings can be made, through to how to reduce your impact on the environment and which packaging materials are best suited, we provide tailored recommendations that align with your business goals.

After the consultation, you receive a comprehensive report detailing our findings and suggested actions. We work closely with your team to implement these changes, ensuring that your packaging is not only cost-effective but also efficient and sustainable.

Book your Free Packaging Consultancy today to see how you can start saving!

Packaging consultancy


Rapid and Reliable Delivery

We ensure that your packaging materials are delivered on time, every time. Our reliable delivery service, supported by our fleet of vehicles and trusted third-party logistics partners, ensures that your orders arrive when you need them.

Delivery service



Supply Chain Support

With our extensive storage facilities, we are able to maintain a reliable stock of packaging materials, to iron out any potential issues in the supply chain and ensure you have exactly what you need, right when you need it.

Packaging storage


On Time and In Full

100 100 Logo



Our Team 100 Hundred Score program monitors key performance indicators across our order processing, operations, and logistics departments. This rigorous tracking system ensures that we meet—and often exceed—our On-Time In-Full (OTIF) targets. Our current OTIF accuracy score stands at an impressive 99.76%, reflecting our commitment to delivering your orders exactly as requested.




Choosing Kingfisher Packaging means partnering with a team dedicated to your success. From consultancy to delivery, and through our commitment to accuracy, we provide services that not only meet your needs but also optimise your operations. Contact us today to discover how we can help you streamline your packaging process, reduce costs, and enhance product protection.


Call: +44 (0)1823 653400
